EvTrip allows people to charge electric
vehicles — such as cars, motorbikes, bicycles,
or scooters — from everywhere they go.
Initially, the client hired us to design a mobile app.He had
the original design that was supposed to act as a focus for redesigning
the interface — when we tried to put it into practice, it unfortunately
emerged there was little use of it. The architecture of the app was not
well thought out: it took the user 5 steps to solve the main problem, so
we had to rebuild the system.
Our role
Pre-project analysis
Redesign of the app
New identity
3D model of a station
React Native development
Competitive analysis
In order to build a clear-cut information architecture
of the app, we conducted UX-research: gathered a list
of competitors — direct and indirect — and thought out
all possible user flows.
AvailabilityInteractionReviewsTransport modes
AvailabilityInteractionReviewsTransport modes
AvailabilityInteractionReviewsTransport modes
AvailabilityInteractionReviewsTransport modes
Google Map
AvailabilityInteractionReviewsTransport modes
Features prioritization
We started by detecting the main flows and came up
with two core functions the user is after: searching and
booking the nearest charging station. We knew there should
be something else and brainstormed additional features that
might be useful (for example, saving vehicle parameters, getting
a route, or managing personal information).
Searching and booking the nearest charging station
Saving vehicle parameters
Getting a route
Managing notifications
New identity
In order not to get too far from the brand identity, we
decided to keep the colors. The combination of black and
yellow was chosen on purpose: yellow is associated with energy
and optimism, which perfectly fits the industry, and black is
a universal color creating strong contrast.
In addition to the UI/UX design, we also designed a
logo. It’s needed for maintaining UI consistency and strong
brand identity. We slightly changed the tone of yellow, tried
applying different fonts and sizes, and delivered the final result
that excited the client.
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UI/UX design
There were no problems with the design process itself.
The client got what he wanted fast: both concept approval and prototype
testing went flawlessly.
Convenient station search
The app can determine the user’s
location and offer the nearest available station.
Station details
Comprehensive station information
The app will show detailed information about
a chosen station — the user gets to know what plug
types are served by the station and which of them are currently available.
Best route planner
Thanks to the integrated GPS system,
the user easily gets their route arranged.
I've actually made a prediction that within 30 years a
majority of new cars made in the United States
will beelectric.
And I don't mean hybrid, I mean fully electric.
Elon Musk
React Native development
EvTrip came back to us a year later. This time they asked the Purrweb
team to build a mobile app. We were amazed to find out that the client
got a web app instead of a mobile one with our design. Investors wanted
to see the mobile app prior to submitting a new tranche.
We, of course, suggested using React Native as a technology for building
the mobile app but the client didn’t have enough time (plus, the current
investments were running out).Having contemplated the situation, we proposed
wrapping the web app in a mobile-like app. What we meant: reuse the existing code,
utilize WebView class, and put the web version into a mobile view.
React Native WebView
Anyway, we still had to write some parts of the app with
React Native. The App Store and Google play don’t like when people
try to upload a website that puts on a mask of a mobile app.
Crafty developers
The way we did it — built registration and authorization on React
Native and kept the rest as Webview — worked out well. It’s always
possible to outsmart the system, right? 🙂
React Native is a technology that has already earned trust
from world-known giants. And from all our clients.
3D model of a charging station
The task was to create a 3D model of a charging station that would fit
all modern requirements. We set to work and delivered a great model — the
client liked it very much yet said it would be too expensive to produce.
EvTrip offered how to make the model cheaper: add wires, cut out the screen,
reduce the size. That’s what we based upon when working out a second iteration
that fitted the client’s constraints.