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Imagine a streaming platform with movies and TV series. Now, add a cryptocurrency wallet, a donations feature, and a marketplace. When we first heard the idea of the Dosis app, we got confused. Did we misunderstand anything? No, we got it right. Let’s see how our persistence and experience in launching MVPs helped us design the unique Dosis streaming platform.
Reading time: 7 minutes
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The client asked us to design the Dosis mobile app. The idea was to build a streaming platform where creators could share their cinematic works and receive direct payments from viewers.
In more detail, such an app would solve a significant problem in the film industry. Filming movies and TV series is a costly process, so it’s challenging to bring some experimental ideas to life. The decision ultimately rests with producers and studios who primarily allocate funds to projects that are expected to appeal to a wide audience. This leaves directors with limited options. They can’t explore experimental formats, and viewers struggle to choose a movie to watch as it’s always the same soup, just reheated.
How to donate to your favorite creators without any problems?
Traditional banking systems are no help in this case. People worldwide share not only a thirst for creativity but also a reluctance to pay high commissions for international money transfers. Moreover, some countries don’t have well-developed banking apps where you can send money with just a few clicks. Those factors prevent viewers from supporting the work of independent directors, even if they would like to help their favorite creators. That’s how our client came up with the idea of integrating a cryptocurrency wallet into the Dosis streaming platform.
Certainly, covering all the expenses of a project with just donations isn’t feasible. That’s why the client decided to add a marketplace to the app. There, creators can sell their merch and NFTs, earning more to invest money into their films.
Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? Even written in English, the idea of the application looks extensive and intricate. But our client explained it to us both in English and Spanish. Here’s a little spoiler: none of us speak Spanish.
Our communication with Daniel, a film director from Spain, began as usual (the name is changed, as the client’s identity can’t be revealed due to his contract). We scheduled a consultation via email and then had an online meeting to discuss the project.
At the beginning of the conversation, everything was going well. But, when it was time to delve into the details of the project concept, difficulties arose. We saw how passionate Daniel was about his idea. He really did his best to explain the whole idea with an integration of a cryptocurrency wallet and a marketplace in English. Unfortunately, Daniel replaced some English words with Spanish ones, which made it difficult to grasp the app’s concept.
We were a bit confused and asked Daniel whether he had approached Spanish specialists with this idea. Daniel said that it had been his initial plan. However, he went through the Spanish designers’ portfolios and continued his search on the international market. Daniel liked our approach to mobile app design, our vision, and up-to-date solutions. He added that he would like to work specifically with us.
We’ll be honest, the client’s words and his belief in the success of our collaboration flattered us despite all the communication challenges.
Success! We fully understood each other and agreed on collaboration. It seemed that the most challenging part was over. After some time, Daniel sent documents containing the main information about the project. They were in Spanish.
The client had an idea, funds, and a set of elements for the application without a clear structure and connection between them. Our client had no prior experience in development, so he entrusted us with both the design and the business logic of the platform.
We started with translating project materials that were in Spanish. Then, we developed user interaction scenarios and connected three types of accounts: viewers, creators, and film companies.
We didn’t forget about the viewers either, the client suggested adding another feature — challenges. After all, not everyone has spare funds to donate to their favorite creators. Users can complete tasks and receive rewards in cryptocurrency, which can then be spent on donations or items from the marketplace. In this case, viewers get to have fun, the app gains an engaged audience, and creators earn money. We liked that idea.
Let’s have a look at the user flow:
1️⃣ Users register in the app, select a subscription type, and specify their preferences.
The initial pages in Dosis
2️⃣ Users discover content through recommendations on the homepage or search for specific content in the catalog.
The design of the content catalog
3️⃣ Users watch content using the built-in player.
The media player in Dosis
4️⃣ Users participate in challenges to earn exclusive ROLY cryptocurrency, which they store in the internal wallet.
5️⃣ Users send donations to creators in the ROLY cryptocurrency to support their future projects.
The design of the cryptocurrency wallet
6️⃣ Users make transactions on the built-in marketplace with the ROLY cryptocurrency.
The marketplace in Dosis
We analyzed some similar apps and showed the client references, such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. The client approved the references, and we started working on the design.
We opted for a dark color scheme with a subtle gradient and a single accent color to avoid distracting users from the content. The orange color sets a positive and energetic tone for the application, and its warm shades suit the entertainment niche. We added a gradient that looks modern and self-sufficient.
The color scheme of Dosis
Our goal was to captivate the viewer as much as possible and keep them in the application as long as possible. We started with onboarding and incorporated immersive animations to immediately engage users who want to be entertained.
We designed an intuitive content catalog with recommendations and division by genres. Also, we helped the customer to come up with the filter system in the catalog. This way, users can quickly find what interests them and stay engaged in watching compelling content within the application.
We divided information about the creator into convenient blocks. Users can see the projects the creator has been involved in. A bright donation button in the center attracts attention, making users click on it.
The creator’s page in Dosis
We developed a simple design for the cryptocurrency wallet with familiar elements, like those in banking applications. This way, beginners can easily navigate and support their favorite creators.
We incorporated gamification elements and illustrated challenges. So, users become actively engaged as they aren’t just passive viewers but active participants in the creative community.
The challenges page in Dosis
In two months, our client got the finalized design with all the application screens and interface elements. Currently, the client is in the process of app development. Additionally, he’s attracting investments for the web version of the project, and we’ll design it as well.
Working on Dosis showed us that a sincere desire to help the client can break down any barriers. We managed to understand the idea and enhance and implement it while laying the foundation for the future MVP.
Once you decide to launch your project, fill out the form to get in touch with us. We’ll discuss your ideas, share our experience, and give you free project estimation.
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