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Big companies have their own business processes and goals at the forefront. That aside, there are many headaches that slow the workflow down — or are just generally tedious, like keeping track of employees and supply chains. Enterprise mobile apps can alleviate some of these headaches. But what do they entail? We’ll tell you all about them in this article.
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Enterprise app development tackles IT products for conglomerates and corporations. Usually, an organization contacts an agency for mobile development services — to design an individual enterprise solution specific to their business processes. There may be a logistics or management-related issue unique to this company, and they want to get rid of it with the right enterprise software.
Enterprise mobile app development helps big organizations deal with their business problems. It’s unique because of the needs of its target audience. With the scale of corporations and conglomerates come its own issues.
For example, employee management may have expanded bureaucracy needs, which are difficult to navigate. Some workers may require special permits, and others need to provide a much simpler document package.
Another example is logistics. Small businesses operate on a local scale, hence the name “small.” Conglomerates have a complicated supply chain with separate departments. Keeping them in line is hard without proper software. A non-enterprise app won’t cut it. Keeping track of it all is a pain that can be managed thanks to enterprise software.
Each company is different. From scale to needs to employee count, it’s important to keep in mind what type of enterprise app you want to make. Otherwise, it’s easy to get lost in the details. We distinguish enterprise apps on a purpose-related basis. Let’s examine these types more closely.
Here’s a small table with these types summarized:
Apps like these are designed for communication with workers. In a majority of successful corporations, work processes are practically set in stone — employees communicate with each other to maintain it and get the work done on time. Employee-level apps can help make this process smoother. Co-workers can provide updates regarding specific tasks, request additional info, and manage documents.
Slack is one such employee-level enterprise app
Keep in mind that these apps can be modified for different scales of operations. A company could integrate an app designed specifically to support communication between employees — or a product that maintains contact between entire departments and company branches. For example, legal, UX-design, and HR branches.
Let’s take a closer look at HR — they need their own tools for successful work in an enterprise.
As the company grows, so does the importance of its image. It needs to invest in its brand to find the cream of the crop with its job postings. After a proper person gets hired, the conglomerate has to ensure they stay by instilling values and maintaining a positive corporate culture.
HR-focused apps help tremendously with the company image. Thanks to software like this, an HR department can consistently monitor job candidates and maintain proper corporate culture. At the same time, enterprise apps help HR staff collect documents and other important info — this streamlines the working process.
Paycor is an HR-focused app — that helps recruit and train personnel
Speaking of the working process, let’s take a bird’s eye view of it — with software that targets the company’s entire business processes.
A company that operates worldwide needs specific software to scrape enterprise data from every part of its workflow. It’s crucial to keep track of progress and costs. Otherwise, how can an organization know if it has poured a portion of its marketing budget down the drain?
Enterprise resource planning apps simplify the entire work process. They can be customized for specific departments to use for their own purposes, e.g., marketing departments can utilize the app to optimize content creation and distribution, or customer support branches can reshape it into a CRM, which makes it simple to navigate through client queries.
Resource Guru is an enterprise resource planning app that helps schedule certain tasks and meetings
Resource planning can go a long way to make business processes efficient. However, there is a specific type of app, designed for this task alone: business management apps.
These are apps that can help integrate Agile and Kanban methodologies into the company’s workflow. It’s easier to boost the productivity of employees this way, check their progress, and provide feedback. It’s a demanding type of app because it requires resources to keep it online — but it’s still a useful tool for corporations.
Jira has special modes where you can create a Kanban board for your project — which boosts productivity as a consequence
Now, let’s take a look at the key benefits of enterprise app development so it’s easier to discern its effectiveness.
Enterprise mobile apps have multifaceted benefits. They can address a company’s weak points, boost employee productivity, and make tedious tasks quick and easy to do.
The growing importance of enterprise mobile applications is reflected in the market report. According to the research, the market is expected to grow from $136.84 billion in 2024 to $385.56 billion by 2031. This growth rate highlights the demand for enterprise mobile apps. Let’s look at some of the benefits in depth.
But first — a summary table with key benefits:
It all boils down to communication and minutiae. Without software, business processes then go into havoc — everybody has to remember the promises they made, the deadlines, and the tasks they assigned. This back-and-forth between teams and workers is tedious and time-consuming. Enterprise mobile apps help keep track of communication while also streamlining the work approval process.
Teaching new employees without software is a pain. Mentors have to memorize their mentees’ tasks alongside their own, track deadlines, and provide access to most of the company’s resources. Different apps alleviate this: senior workers can keep track of junior-level employees, manage their workload, and send learning materials in one place.
How did a particular department perform over the last quarter? What’s the status of a campaign launch? So many things to keep track of. With enterprise mobile development, employees can check whether their tasks are done on time or they’re lagging behind.
For a corporation to stay afloat, correct management strategies are key. If supply chains, accounting, and legal departments aren’t managed properly, a business can incur heavy losses. Enterprise apps make this process much more convenient — for example, there’s no need to appoint separate meetings with lawyers to discuss whether a certain marketing slogan is appropriate.
This particular benefit ties into the others. Every department and task has its own share of files and documents — there are lots of important data that needs to be saved. It’s impossible to keep track of this data without enterprise apps.
There are some features that enterprise apps can’t function without. Let’s take a look at some of the most important ones.
Databases have every single bit of data necessary for an organization to function. They include confidential info about users and employees, data transfers, and company assets. Without them, storing files and documents is difficult.
If you want to create an enterprise mobile app, make sure it supports extensive databases. It’s important to remove any limitations regarding the size of files or info. Try to integrate scalability — with each passing year, corporations typically grow larger, and so does the amount of data in their storage. Your app’s databases should accommodate this trend.
Notion is an app where you can create a personal database
Even if you’re planning to create an app to solve a singular problem for a given business, it should be somewhat versatile. There’s hardly a time when an app that accommodates managers or low-level employees is only useful.
Your app will benefit if it has separate user roles that work irrespective of each other. For example, managers should make sure they can’t access the data and files of higher-ups. The same can be said about low-level employees seeing insider info or team performance statistics. Keep some level of privacy in your enterprise app.
One of the projects we worked on — iZumator. It also supports multiple user roles: admins, students, and mentors
If you created a product that covers a singular important need of your audience but want to add something more to help with related issues, APIs can help. You can simply integrate tools that are tried and tested over time. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to create an enterprise app — some integrations can help you save money on development and release the product earlier.
For example, if your user base deals with the problems your app can solve AND they want to do other things, like manage tasks, there’s no need to develop a separate task module. The same goes for designing separate task tabs, checking them for bugs, etc. You can take a solution available on the market, e.g., task managers like ClickUp, Jira, or Trello, and use them in your app.
ClickUp — one of the popular task managers corporations can integrate into their workflow
No commercially successful enterprise app rolls out without any semblance of analytics. It’s important to integrate tools that keep track of statistics within teams and departments. Make them customizable — with it, you increase the chances of your app being used more.
Think of some features that can repackage the data collected from the organization into readable charts and diagrams. This way, corporations won’t have to resort to other solutions to do this job for them. They’ll be more inclined to use your enterprise app.
CarbonAccounting is a different project we also worked on. The company records the amount of emissions it produces, and the app calculates how much money to spend to offset the impact on the environment
This feature is a must for an enterprise mobile app regardless of its use. No matter what problem your product is focused on, instant messaging can come in handy.
For example, if your app is concerned with communication between teams, instant messaging can make the whole process seamless. The same can be said if you’re planning on integrating customer support. It’s a versatile feature that improves the quality of any app.
Features aside, there are other aspects you have to account for, before focusing on enterprise app development. We laid out the most crucial factors to think about here — just read on:
Corporations are unique in the sense that many enterprise app developers are vying for their attention. Competition is high, and so are the stakes. And if your app won’t have frequent updates to deal with pesky bugs or integrate features that are becoming commonplace each day, your product runs the risk of becoming obsolete.
Are you planning to create a one-off product? Or is longevity one of your main concerns? These are the questions you need to consider before building an enterprise app.
Essentially, when do you deem your app successful? And on what metrics will you base its overall usefulness? If you don’t think of how you’re going to measure this success, it’s unlikely that an app can solve any of the corporation’s problems.
If you’re planning on outsourcing app development, it’s a good idea to think about who’s going to take over when the work is done. If you’re a corporation in need of a product, will you continue working with an outside agency, or are you going to allocate resources at your disposal?
If a company doesn’t think this through beforehand, there’s a possibility the app will die at its inception. For example, the agency transfers the app to a corporation → the company doesn’t have anyone to care for the app on its end → the app isn’t used.
This ties into app management. After the corporation integrates the product into its internal systems, the hard part begins. Without pushing, making employees use the app is flat-out impossible.
Consider creating some internal study guides and setting deadlines to help employees get acquainted with the enterprise apps. Companies that forego this step can’t integrate the app into their workflow at all.
Onboarding ensures your app is actually used by the employees — not discarded as some sort of “higher-ups’ toy”
Enterprise apps store large amounts of valuable data and insider info. Consider some data security measures — whether it’s integrating two-factor authentication or partnering up with other companies to secure files.
Without thinking of security beforehand, corporations run the risk of massive security breaches and company data leaks. This can lead to serious legal consequences. For example, blockchain technology helps to enhance security. We have an article where we explain what is enterprise blockchain more precisely.
When you start looking for enterprise app development services, you’ll have a lot of choices to make. But the main question is — who should you hire? Before choosing a development partner, you’ll have to look into their:
Overall experience. What kind of projects have they worked on? Any self-respecting agency will have a portfolio section on their site, and you need to take advantage of that. Look at their previous projects and see what you like. Later on, you can always use these projects as a reference.
Client feedback. One of the most important things is the reviews and client feedback. Try to find their previous clients and ask questions. If they’ve had positive experiences — that’s a good sign. Also, it’s a good sign if they have video reviews on their website, this way, you’ll know that the reviews are real.
Enterprise development experience. There’s a lot of nuance in mobile enterprise app development, especially if it involves sensitive data. Make sure your development partner follows best practices for security and compliance with relevant regulations and standards. Besides just asking, try to look into their case studies and other blog articles, they’ve probably talked about it there.
While enterprise mobile apps may have their own peculiarities, we believe the process of creating them from scratch is standard. We would recommend creating a minimum viable product (MVP) before launching a full-scale corporate platform. This way, you get to test certain app features at half the cost and time it would take to release a full-blown version of the product. If you’re looking to get some funding for your SaaS or you’re trying to determine whether there’s any actual product-market fit, MVP is a solid option.
Without further ado, let’s take a look at a complete enterprise mobile app development process. We’ve broken it down into six manageable steps.
Think of the primary customers of your app. What type of employees are going to use it: are they clerks and low-level employees? Maybe they’re part of upper/middle management. It’ll be easier to figure out what features to add to your app.
Also, look at the market as a whole. Pinpoint key trends and take a peek at your competitors: What are their weak points, and what are they good at? You’ll be able to stand out using this info.
Now that you’ve identified your target audience and their pain points, use this knowledge to pick out some features for your enterprise mobile app. You can use the MoSCoW prioritization technique to pick the features that are most vital to your app’s success.
Don’t forget to include features we consider vital to any app for a corporation, like instant messaging. This ensures your app is convenient for the user. And don’t forget about a unique selling point — what makes you better than other similar apps on the market.
We believe this step is key for a great, smooth, responsive user experience. Make sure to outline a user journey with actions your customers can take inside the app. This will help you create an app that users actually open and utilize.
Hire a team of experienced software development professionals. They’ll be able to create an app in record time with minimal bugs. And if there are any glitches found before release, they’ll be dealt with , thanks to regular testing.
Make sure to launch the app on both iOS and Android. Cross-platform app development can help with this. It’s a type of development that helps create a product for as many platforms as possible — widening your reach at the same time.
Make sure to gather the opinions of your clients. In the case of enterprise app development, it’s either the employees of a corporation or the company itself. It’s easier to discern whether you need to change the app, add new features, and integrate quality-of-life-changes. Keep in mind that not every suggestion needs implementation — focus on the features that users mention the most.
Now comes the continuous process of improvements and updates. It’s an inevitable part of creating a good app. Keep in touch with your app’s target audience, listen to their concerns, and integrate changes. The same goes for scaling — if the corporation is planning on doing that.
Here are the approximate costs of an enterprise app. The estimates are based on our experience — we’ve been making apps for over 10 years:
Mind you, these numbers are not set in stone. Every project is different, and there are many factors that can influence the final price. Here are the major ones:
At Purrweb, we’ve followed the aforementioned process to create an enterprise app called iZumator. With it, employees can create and pass courses themselves. Its killer feature is simple — any student can become the next mentor.
We created this enterprise app from scratch. Our designers outlined the user flow and created separate dashboards for five different roles: admin, supervisor, assistant, student, and mentor. We’ve made the UI/UX design and developed the platform with a JavaScript-based tech stack.
In the end, our client got a corporate education platform that can be changed and scaled without any hassle. We received positive feedback from our customer’s employees, too.
Personal account in iZumator
We’ve briefly discussed some examples of enterprise mobile apps. But what’s going to happen to this sphere of enterprise mobile application development in the long run? Let’s check out some of the things which will be useful to keep track of if you want to make an enterprise mobile app:
Cloud storage. More and more corporations are leaning towards cloud providers. A lot of the companies of this scale typically have their own servers, but the upkeep costs keep rising, so they’re slowly shifting away from them.
AI. Some generative tools make mundane, monotonous tasks a bit more bearable. At the same time, AI models are improving at predicting business outcomes. Corporations that leverage these tools in their enterprise mobile app development platforms save money.
Dockerization. A lot of companies preach endless growth, and dockerization is a good way to make sure enterprise mobile app development platforms run the way they need to.
Big Data. Corporations work with large sets of data — each of them needs to be analyzed to boost sales and productivity. Specific Big Data tools help tremendously with this particular task.
In this article, we talked about the enterprise mobile app development process: what it is, some of its benefits, and how we go about it. Most of the tips we’ve mentioned are applicable to the majority of entrepreneurs or employees, e.g., if you’re looking to create a product to sell to companies via subscription or if you want to integrate software into your corporation.
If you have an enterprise app you’d like to create, don’t hesitate to contact us via the form below. Our project manager will get back to you shortly to talk pricing and an approximate timeline.
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Mobile enterprise application development revolves around IT products for corporations and conglomerates. Either corporations order them for themselves, or entrepreneurs create them to sell them later — or create a subscription service.
Corporations can optimize the workflow. At the same time, they can make onboarding, management, and monitoring easier with enterprise mobile app development platforms.
Enterprise mobile app development costs roughly $56,000. This includes UI/UX design, coding itself, QA testing, and post-launch support.
An MVP takes roughly 3-4 months. A full-scale project may take longer.
We’ll adhere to our personal enterprise mobile application development strategy — you’ll get an app that works as advertised on time.
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